Coachina found her new purpose of life; after she retired from low-goal polo. Coachina has a new name that suits her better, a more glamorous touch… CHEENA! Now she is living in Wellington, FL with the Gannon family. Tim Gannon is the Chairman of the National Polo Club…. The Gannon’s had one retired polo pony, Spirit, that needed a girlfriend. Spirit probably will never be ridden again due to a serious knee injury. Plus they wanted to add a new addition to the family. Every morning, Shannon goes out to feed them and give them their TLC. Midday they receive a carrot through the kitchen window; they get a cool breeze from the A/C too. A few times a week Cheena is ridden, teaching Shannon how to become an equestrian with exquisite equitation skills. At night, Cheena and Spirit are tucked into bed wishing them sweet dreams. It is very therapeutic for friends and family to understand/respect the horses’ needs to live a wonderful life. Cheena will be the best instructor, with guidance from Brittany Halstead. Horse family days at the Gannon’s house are full of love.
Seven months later… Spirit seemed to be feeling good, the way he runs around the paddock when his girlfriend is out in the ring working. He had not been ridden in a year and a half. But Brittany Halstead asked if he has ever been X-rayed and diagnosed by a vet? The Gannon’s said, No, but let’s have the vet assess him and see if he can go on trial rides with Cheena. Charley McColough from Palm Beach Equine Clinic came out to assess him. He asked Brittany to ride him. She got on him and he was perfect, like he hadn’t missed a day out of the saddle. His trot and canter were sound. Palm Beach Equine vet, Charley McColough, X-rayed him, he has significant arthritis and a small loose bone fragment. Charley injected him with Triamcinolone (corticosteroid) and Noltrex (polyacrylamide hydrogel). He is now being ridden with Cheena a few times a week. It seems like the love Cheena and Spirit have for each other helped Spirit heal.