Donate to Replay Polo, today! Employer ID # 81-1129426
Welcome to your Equine Welfare Survey
Do you currently own a polo pony?
Have you ever retired a polo pony?
Why did you decide to retire a polo pony?
How much did you plan in advance for your polo pony’s retirement? If you've never retired a pony, how much are you currently planning? Please estimate your answer on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is "I was totally unprepared and scrambling" to 5 is "I had a plan very nearly from day 1."
What is your horse's retirement situation? (If you've retired multiple horses, or if your horse's situation has changed, please feel free to choose multiple options.)
Did you feel financially prepared for your polo pony's retirement? Please estimate your answer on this scale, where 1 is "It took me by surprise and I pay for it out of my regular cash flow" to 5 is "I had a separate account and/or income stream set up specifically for retirement."
If you've never retired a polo pony, but currently own a polo pony that you may retire someday, how financially prepared do you feel for that retirement? Please estimate your answer on this scale, where 1 is "I have no financial plans and will probably pay for it out of my regular cash flow" to 5 is "I have a separate account and/or income stream set up specifically for retirement."
Have the costs gone up, stayed stable, or decreased over the course of your polo pony’s retirement?
Have your vet bills increased as your retired polo pony has aged?
If you’d like to see the final results from this survey and if you would like ReplayPolo 501c3 Organization to help your retired polo pony, leave your email address below.
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Very interesting topic, thanks for putting up.Blog range
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Very interesting topic, thanks for putting up.Blog range